ISSN 2710-3994 (Online)
Electronic scientific journal ""
Founder and publisher: 'Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology'
RES on REM of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher
Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kabuldinov Ziabek Ermukhanovich — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Director of Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS
MSHE RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Executive Editor:
Kaipbayeva Ainagul Tolganbayevna — Candidate of Historical Sciences, leading researcher at Ch.Ch. Valikahnov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MSHE RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

The electronic scientific journal “edu. e-history. kz” (registered at the Committee for Communications, Informatization and Information of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration certificate: No. 14602-IA dated October 29, 2014) is the only registered electronic scientific edition Kazakhstan

The scientific journal acts as a platform for the integration and interaction of Kazakhstani humanities scholars with the world historical academic community, a channel for the exchange of scientific information, enabling scholars to present the results of scientific research through modern means of infocommunication in the global digital space. The content of the edition is aimed at researchers, scholars who are interested in the issues of world history, including the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, neighboring states.

The journal publishes research papers in the following areas: history (world and history of Kazakhstan), source studies and historiography, archeology, ethnology, anthropology.
Publication frequency – 4 times a year in electronic format.
Languages of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Editorial office address:
28 Shevchenko Str., Almaty, 050100, Republic of Kazakhstan. 'Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology' RES on REM SC MSHE Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel .: +7 (727) 261-67-19, +7 (727) 272-47-59

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